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the yoga mat


Alignment assistance

Lakshana (Sanskrit) means auspicious signs or marks.



The Yoga method you practice will have some guidelines as how to place your palms and feet. 

Here we provide you with some guidelines in case you need them.


The 45 degree angled lines help you to align your foot angle for your standing asanas series and Parsvottasana- the Intense Side Stretch Pose.There are some pictures for your assistance below.

The small straight lines assist you in your Surya Namaskar-Sun Salutations, Handstand and/or your Scopion Pose.

The centre square helps you to align and start your asanas from Tadasana-Mountain Pose, to take your legs apart for standing asanas.


The Yogveda tree represents the two chakras within the brain, Ajna and Sahasrar, and helps to keep your yoga blocks in the centre of the mat to sit on for Pranayama and Meditation.


The centre line helps to align the heel to arch of the foot for standing asana series and the tip of the straight line helps to keep your concentration "Dharana" in Sirsasana-Headstand.


If you need any advice about improving your yoga practice on The Yoga Mat don't hesitate to send us an mail at

We are glad to be of any help.



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